Saturday, August 31, 2019

Masters in Marketing Management Question Papers

Question Papers 2007 Semester ? I Sub Code| Subject Name| 2007| 2007| 101| P P M| May| Oct| 102| Principles of Marketing| May| Oct| 103| Fundamental of Management Accounting| May| Oct| 104| Managerial Economics| May| Oct| 105| Research Methodology| May| Oct| 106| Consumer Behaviour| May| Oct| Semester ? II Sub Code| Subject Name| 2007| 2007| 201| Service Marketing| May| Oct| 202| Retail Marketing| May| Oct| 203| Sales Management & Personnel Selling | May| Oct| 204| Distribution Management & Logistics| May| Oct| 205| Marketing Research| May| Oct| 206| Relationship Marketing| May| Oct|Semester ? III Sub Code| Subject Name| 2007| 2007| 301| International Marketing| May| Oct| 302| Marketing and The Laws| May| Oct| 303| Financial Services Marketing| May| Oct| 304| Integrated Marketing Communication| May| Oct| 305| Retail Operation Management| May| Oct| 306| | May| Oct| Semester ? IV Sub Code| Subject Name| 2007| 2007| 401| Brand Management| May| Oct| 402| Strategic Marketing| May| Oct| 403| Export Documentation & Forex Marketing| May| Oct| 404| Direct Marketing| May| Oct| 405| Industrial Marketing| May| Oct| 406| Rural & Agricultural Marketing| May| Oct| Total No. f questions :7 MAY 2007 Total no. of printed pages 1 3178-101 MMM(semester-II)Examination -2007 PRINCIPLE AND PRACTICES OF MANAGEMENT (New course) Time 3 hours Max Marks 70 Instructions: 1) Attempt all question Q. 1)Define Management. Explain Henry Fayols Principle of management [20] OR Q. 1) Explain the term of Motivation along with its significance to organizational productivity . Discuss the Maslaws Theory of need of hierarchy in detail. Q. 2) Explain the basic function of management.Do these function vary from industry to industry? Explain. OR Q. 2) Explain in detail Management Thoughts from the industrial revolution to knowledge based society of 21st century. Q. 3) Discuss the various leadership styles along with examples. OR Q. 3) Explain the Dynamics of Group Behavior. Do the group i nfluence on individual and group decision- making? Explain. Q. 4) Write short notes (Any four) a)Corporate social responsibility b)Hawthrone Experiments c)Quality Circles d)Perception e)The Self Concept and Self Esteem ————————————————- f)Shaping of personality Semester ITotal No. of questions :6 MAY 2007 Total no. of printed pages 1 3178-102 MMM(semester-II)Examination -2007 PRINCIPLRS OF MARKETING (New course) Time 3 hours Max Marks 70 Instructions: 1) Attempt any 5 question 2) each carry equal mark Q1)Chanel decisions cannot be taken without referrringto the PLC stage of a product Critically examine the statement with example Q2) The modern Marketing Manager has to play more responsible and versatile role as compared to Traditional Marketing Manager CommentQ3)Design Marketing Mix stategy for the following product: (a)Milk based Soft Drink (b)Electric Shaver Q4)You want to launch new product of Ayurvedic Dantamanjan . What are the different step you will take to promote this product? Why? Q5)What are the different objective of Advertising? Explain with examples and applicability with respect to PLC? Q6)Write short note on any two: (a)Ethics in Marketing (b)Industrial Vs Consumer Market (c)Product Packaging ————————————————- (d)Online Marketing Semester I Total No. of questions :8 MAY 2007 Total no. of printed pages 2 178-103 MMM(semester-II)Examination -2007 FUDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMEN ACCOUNTING (New course) Time 3 hours Max Marks 70 Instructions: 1) Attempt any 2 question from each section 2) Figures to the right indicate full marks. SECTION-I Q 1)How is Prime cost different from marginal cost? State the element of cost including in the two types of cost indicating there significance in cost accounting? Q 2) Explain various methods of segr egating fixed and variable overhead costs? Q 3)What are the various methods of pricing material issue?When do you advocate pricing the issue at cost price based on the last in first out method? Q 4) ? A good system of costing serves as a mean of control over the expenditure and helps to secure economy in manufacture? Discuss? SECTION-II Q 5)From the following information for the month of January prepare a cost sheet to show the following components 1 . prime cost 2 . factor cost 3 . cost of production 4 . total cost Direct material 57000 Direct wages 28500 Factory rent and rates 2500 Office rent and rates 500 Plant repair and maintenance 1000 Plant description 1250 Factory managers salary 2000Office salary 1600 Directors remuneration 1500 Telephone and postage 200 Printing and stationary 100 Legal charges 150 Advertising 1500 Salesman salary 2500 Showroom rent 500 Sales 116000 Q 6. )following particulars related to production department of factory for the month of june are , Materia l used 80000 Direct wages 72000 Direct labour hours worked 20000 Hours of machine operation 25000 Overhead charges 90000 Cost data of particular order carried out in the above department during the june are given below Material used 8000Direct wages 6200 Labour hours 3300 Machine hour 2400 What would be the factory cost of the work order under the following method of charging overheads? Q 7) per unit cost structure of single product manufacturing company as below Selling price 100 Direct material 60 Direct labour 10 Variable overhead 10 Number of unit sold in the year are 5035 as per agreement with the employee union there will be an increase of 10% in direct wages Calculate; (1)how many more unites have to be sold next year to maintain some quantum of profits. (2)By what percentage selling price has to be raised to maintain the same P/V ratio ?Q 8) white a short note (any four) 1) Transfer pricing 2) pricing of issue 3) financial accounting VS cost accounting 4) prerequisite of mat erial purchase ————————————————- 5)labour cost Semester ? I Total No. of questions :7 MAY 2007 Total no. of printed pages 1 3178-104 MMM(semester-II)Examination -2007 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS (New course) Time 3 hours Max Marks 70 Instructions: 1) Attempt any 5 question 2) each carry equal mark Q1)What is Managerial Economics?Explain the relationship of Micro Economics with Managerial Economics. Q2)Define Product Function Explain Increasing, Constant and Decreasing Return to scale. Q3)(a)Describe characteristic features of Oligopoly. (b)Why Perfect Competiton is socially and economically describe? Q4)What is cost Benefit Analysis? Explain its practical significance. Q5)(A)Explain break-even analysis. (B) Justify the need of Government? s Intervention in the Market Economy. Q6)Discuss Pricing Method followed by the Business Firm. Q7)Write note on (any two) (a)Type of Demand Ela sticity (b)Merits and Demerits of Co-operative society (c)Privet Good Vs Public Good ———————————————— (d)Economic Liberalization Semester ? I Total No. of questions :7 MAY 2007 Total no. of printed pages 1 3178-105 MMM(semester-II)Examination -2007 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY (New course) Time 3 hours Max Marks 70 Instructions: 1) Question 1 &6 arecompulsary 2) attempt any 3 from remaining. Q1)Attempt any two: (a)Explain various steps involved in the Research Process. (b)Represent the following data by a Pie Chart:t ITEMMaterialLabourFuelOverheadsExpenditure in Rs. 150020004000500 (c) Elaborate different type of Research Designs. Q2)Explain the merits and demerits of ? Questionnaire Method?. Also explain the essentials of a Good Questionnaire. (3)What is Experimental Method? Explain different types of experiment al Methods of Pointing out their merits and demerits. Q4)(A)Expl ain various sources of secondary data (B)Explain the Layout of aTable. Q5)Explain the layout and essential qualities of Research report. Q6)Write Short Notes On: (a)Validity in Measurement (b)Observation (c)Pictogram (d)Qualities of a Workable Hypothesis (e)Sampling and Non-sampling erros ———————————————— (f)Editing of Data Semester ? I Total No. of questions :6 MAY 2007 Total no. of printed pages 1 3178-106 MMM(semester-II)Examination -2007 CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR (New course) Time 3 hours Max Marks 70 Instructions: 1) Attempt any 5 question 2) each carry equal mark Q1)Using the concept of Consumer Dictated Product Development, explain how you would launch a new product in the market? Q2)What are the factors which influence a Consumer? s Decision-making Process?Explain with the help of an example. Q3)How does consumer decision making change as purchase involvement increases? Q 4)Discuss the psychological factor influencing Consumer Behaviour with suitable examples. Q5)Explain any one model of Consumer Behviour with suitable examples. Q6)Write short notes on any two (a) Consumerism (b)Personality and self concept ————————————————- (c)Extent of reference group influence Oct 2007 . [3278]-101 M. M. M. (Semester – I) Examination – 2007 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF MANAGEMENT Time: 3 Hours]:[Max. Marks: 70 Instruction: (1) All questions are compulsory.Q. l) Define Management. Explain: F. W. Taylor is known as ‘Father of Scientific Management'. [20] OR Q. l) What is Corporate Social Responsibility? Does it contribute to increase the Goodwill of the Organization. Explain with example. [20] Q. 2) Explain McGregor's Theory of Work Motivation and discuss its application in Industry. [15] OR Q. 2) Discuss various components of Management Process in brief. [15] Q. 3) Discuss various Leadership Traits of an effective leader. [15] OR Q. 3) Explain the Process of Team Building and elaborate the principles of effective Team Work. [15] Q. ) Write short notes: (Any Four) [20] a) Group Dynamics b) Knowledge Workers c) TQM d) Functions of Top Management e) Role of Individual Behaviour in Organization f) Various Approaches to Management ******************************************************* Semester ? I Oct 2007 [3278]-102 M. M. M. (Semester ? I) PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 3) Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary. Q. ) ? Marketing has evolved a great deal since the early days of distribution and sales orientation.? Discuss.. . Q. 2) A cellular phone manufacturing company has produced some models with different brands. Explain how you will build the brand equity through advertising. Q. 3) What do you mean by t he term ? Distribution Intensity Illustrate your answer. Q. 4) Explain how technological, political and socio-cultural factors affect the Advertising Style and Process. Q. 5) Explain the concept of PLC. Discuss how and why the relative importance and various elements of Marketing Mix will change with a product? stage in the PLC. Q. 6) Write short notes on any two: (a) Obstacles to Marketing Control (b) Marketing Audit (c) New Trends in Packaging (d) Marketing Process ************************************************************ Semester ? I Oct 2007 [3278]-103 M. M. M. (Semester – I) Examination – 2007 FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions: 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. 2) Attempt any two questions from section 1 and section II each . 3) Figures to the right indicate marks. ) Use of simple calculator is allowed. Q. l) Define Management Accounting and state its limitations. [10] SECTION – I Q. 2) What do you understan d by the tenns Break-even Point, Contribution and Margin of Safety? Explain your answer by drawing a chart with assumed figures. [15] Q. 3) Explain various steps in which a raw material moves in a manufacturing organization till it gets consumed in the. production. Give the fonnat of various documents which are prepared in the process. ‘ [15] Q. 4) What is the meaning of Budget and Budgetary Control?State and explain various budgets which can be established in the following functional areas of operation: [15] (1) Sales / Marketing (2) Finance Q. 5) Write short notes on : (Any Three) [05Ãâ€"03=15] a) Transfer Pricing b) Sunk Cost and Opportunity Cost c) Advantages of Standard Costing d) Cost Unit and Cost Centre SECTION – II Q. 6) Following figures are extracted from the accounts of MIs. Kishor Co. for the month of June, 2005 : [15] Production Depts. Service Depts. | | | | PI| P2| SI| S2| S3| | (Rs. )| (Rs. )| (Rs. )| (Rs. ) (Rs. ) (Rs. )| Indirect Material| | 280| 140| 170| 350| 160| Indirect Wages| | 324| 312| 296| 190| 218| Power and Light| 3,000| | | | | | Supervision Charges| 2,200| | | | | | Rent and Taxes| 500| | | | | | Insurance on Assets| ro| | | | | | Depreciation at 12% p. a. on capital value of assets to be considered. From the above infQrmation and the following departmental data, prepare overhead recovery rates for the production department PI and P2 on the basis of direct labour hours.The expenses of service departments should be apportioned straight to the production department, with the information that S 1 is tool room, S2 is maintenance department and S3 is stores department. Departmental Data| PI| P2| 81| 82| 83| Area (Sq. ft)| 400| 200| 100| 200| 100| Capital Value of Assets (Rs. )| 8,000| 4,000| 7,000| 5,000| 6,000| Kilowatt Hours| 4,000| 3,000| 1,000| 1,000| 1,000| Number of Employees| 150| 100| 75| 100| 125| Direct Labour Hours| 5,000| 5,000| | | | Number of Requisitions| 1,000| 300| | | | Q. 7) Following transactions have taken place in respect of a material duringMarch, 2001 : [15] Date 1 Opening Balance 500 units @ Rs. 6 per unit 5 Purchased 100 units @ Rs. 7 per unit 7 Issued 400 units 9 Purchased 300 units @ Rs. 8 per unit 19 Issued 250 units 22 Issued 50 units 25 Purchased 300 units @ Rs. 7. 50 per unit 30 Issued 250 units Prepare the Stores Ledger assuming that the issues are valued on FIFO and LIFO basis. Q. 8) Following details are available frOill the records or Amrut Ltd. For a month regarding the standard labour hours and rates of an hour for a product:Hours Rate per hour Total Rs. Rs. Skilled 10 3. 00 30. 00 Semi-skilled8 1. 50 12. 00 Unskilled16 1. 00 16. 00 _________________ 58. 00 The actual production for the product was 1,500 units for which the actual hours worked and rates were as follows: Hours Rate per hour Total Rs. Rs. Skilled 13,500 3. 50 47,250 Semi-skilled12,600 1. 0 22. 680 Unskilled30,000 1. 20 36. 000 (a)Labour Cost Variance (b)Labour Rate Variance (c)Labour Efficiency V ariance (d)Labour Mix Variance (e)Labour Cost Variance [15] Q~9) What do you mean by Elements of Cost? How the cost is classified into various elements of cost? Draft a standard format of a cost sheet for a machine tool manufacturing company. Make the necessary assumptions. [15] *********************************************************** Semester ? IOct 2007 [3278]-104 M. M. M.. ( Semester – I) Examination – 2007 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions: (1) Answer any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. (3) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary. Q. l) What is Managerial Economics? State its nature, scope and applications. Q. 2) Explain Profit and Sales Maximization as an organisational goal. Q. 3) What is Demand Forecasting? Explain methods of demand forecasting for established product. Q. 4) State and explain the Law of Variable Proportions. Q. ) Why Perfect Competition is socially and economically justifiable? Q. 6) (A) Descri be the need for Government Intervention in the Market. (B) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Economic Liberalisation ? Q. 7) Write notes on: (Any Two) a) Types of Price Elasticity of Demand b) Support and Administered Prices c) Public Goods Vs. Private Goods d) Protection of Consumer's Interest ************************************************** Semester ? I Oct 2007 [3278]-105 M. M. M. (Semester – I) sem-2007 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70Instructions: (1) Question Nos. 1 and 6 are compulsory. (2) Attempt any three questions from the remaining. (3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q. l) Attempt any two of the following: [20] (a)What is Research? Explain the objectives and types of Research. (b)What is Scientific Method? Explain its relation to research. (c)Draw Histogram and Frequency Curve from the following data: X| 0-10| 10-20| 20-30| 30-40| 40-50| f| 8| 17| 25| 12| 6| Q. 2) (A) Explain the nature and scope of Social Research. [05] (B) What is Hypothesis? Explain the characteristics of a Hypothesis. 05] Q. 3) Explain the meaning, role and difficulties of ‘Interview' as a method of data collection. [10] Q. 4) Explain various steps involved in the analysis of data. [10] Q. 5) Explain the importance and sources of Secondary Data. [10] Q. 6) Write short notes on : (Any Four) [20] (a)Sampling Design (b)Sources of Errors (c)Scaling Techniques (d)Experimental Design (e)Use of Computers in Research (t)Tests of Sound Measurement ****************************************************************** Semester ? I Oct 2007 1 [3278]-106 M. M. M. (Semester – I) Examination ? 007 CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR [ Time: 3 Hours] [ Max. Mlarks : 70] Instructions: (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q. l) How is the field of Consumer Behaviour defined? What are the major uses or applications of understanding Consumer Behaviour? Q. 2) . Explain the demographic and psychological factors influencing co nsumer behaviour with relevant examples. Q. 3) Discuss the role of personality and self-concept in Shaping Consumer Behaviour. Q. 4) What is meant by Motive Hierarchy? How does ~1aslow's Hierarchy of needs fUnction?.Q. 5) Define Consumer Satisfaction. What is the r~lationship between Consumer Satisfaction, Repeat Purchase and Committed Customer. Q. 6) How does consumer decision-maki. llg change as purchase involvement increases? Q:7) Write short notes on any two: a) Consumerism b) Effect of Culture and Subculture on Indian Consumer ————————————————- c) Components of Attitude. Semester ? I Total No. of questions :6 MAY 2007 Total no. of printed pages 2 3178-201 MMM(semester-II)Examination -2007 201:Service Marketing New course) Time 3 hours Max Marks 70 Instructions: 1) Answer any TWO question out of Q1 TO Q4 each carry equal mark 2)Q5 & Q6 are compulsory, each carry 20 marks 3) use examples, model etc. Q 1)liberalization privatization and globalization has propelled growth of services sector in India in 5-6 years ,Do you agree with the statement ? justify your answer. Q 2) In financial services marketing process and physical evidence are very important discuss this statement giving suitable examplesQ 3) what is services marketing segmentation ? discuss and elaborate as to how segmentation and positioning is achived in tourism marketing . Q 4) billjunctin. com is an e-bill pay service of icici bank, which has proved to be very successful , compared to physical bill payment collection service. Which distribution strategies of these services , do you think have made this billjunction. com successful ? why? Q 5) write short notes on any four (a) services blue print (b) SERVQAL and GAP model (c) four I s of services (d) advertising and sale promotion in service industry. (e) requirements for customer retension in service industry f) KPO Q6) Case study: The new incombent to the office of the Cheife General Manager of the Muncipal Transportation is wondering how to make the operation profitabal. He has jotted some of his finding about the current state of affairs. ?The Municipal Trasportation has alarge, ageing fleet of buses. Induction of new buses is a case is acase of ? too late-too few? ?The geographical expanse of the city it serve is big. city areas have several government office , hospitals and educational institute , not to mention huge residential unites employing a large number citizens of the city and adjoining suburbs. The ratio of number of employees to a vehicle operated by the trasport matches unfavourably with the standard norms, ie to say the trasport is over staffed. Inspite of thise, in the opinion of public the buses are not clean break down frequently and do not stick to a time-table. Business, the ? staff? of the trasport is infamously known for being rude. ?A recent survey has showed that (rather surprisingly to the Chief G M)most computer will like and prefer to travel by the Municiple Transport , rather than using their personal trasport means (cars motorcycle etc ) They only only hope, the fares will be low. ———————————————— The Chief General Manager has appointed you, as marketing manager of this muncipal transport. Present a detailed scheme for successful marketing of this public transport system. Semester ? II Total No. of questions :5 MAY 2007 Total no. of printed pages 1 3178-202 MMM(semester-II)Examination -2007 202:RETAIL MARKETING (New course) Time 3 hours Max Marks 70 Instructions: 1) ALLquestion are compulsory 2) each carry equal markQ1) Describe in detail the characteristic of atleast six different types of Retailers Q2)Explain giving all relevant detail , the factors considered in planning retail store layout and also the interiors designing . Q3)choose any high profile retailer like shooperstop / big bazaar known to you. Describe in detail who they use store based, merchandise based, retail marketing communication in the form of advertising and point of sell promotional materials. Q4)The competition between traditional retailer and ultra modern super market that occupy about 40000 sq ft floor area , is generating debates presently in society.Do you belive that traditional retailers will continue to prosper in such competition? Justify your answer discussing all aspect involved in detail. 5)Write short notes on all of the following a) retail store organized by district wise consumers cooperative society which also has network of some branches in villages. b) Bar coding method and its use ————————————————- c)Managing Reverse Logistic in retail . Semester ? II Total No. of questions :8 MAY 2007 Total no. of printed pages 2 3178-203 MMM(semester-II)Examination -2007 03:SALES MANAGEMENT AND PERSONAL SELLING (New course) Time 3 hours Max Marks 70 Instructions: 1) Answer any 5 question 2) each carry equal mark Q1) Explain why sells management is consider as an important function? Q2) compare top down and bottom up approach and explain weather they should give sells manager the some figure of the company sell forecast. Q3)What is sells budgets ? What are the purposes of sells budgets ? What procedure is typically followed by a company to prepair its sales budgets?Q4) What are sales quotas and why its important for a sales manager to sets quota? s for sale people? Q5)(a)Why line sales organization is not suited to a large organization (b) Which type of basic organization structure would you recommend for a large company operating globally and trying to gain greater customer responsive ness and efficiencies ? Q6)What are measure stages in the sells force staffing process? Which activity or part is considered by sell s managers as the most difficult in the entire staffing process and why? Q7)(a)Briefly describe the procedure for designing sales territory b)Why a good number of companies are in inceasingly using assessment centers as a tool of selection process? Q8)(a)What is the difference bet a prospect ,suspect and sales lead ? ————————————————- (b)how sells people understand prospect need? Semester ? II Total No. of questions :7 MAY 2007 Total no. of printed pages 1 3178-204 MMM(semester-II)Examination -2007 204:DISTRIBUTION AND LOGISTIC MANAGEMENT (New course) Time 3 hours Max Marks 70Instructions: 1) ALLquestion are compulsory 2) each carry equal mark Q1)Identify and explain the various entities (things) that flow between a supplier and a customer during physical distribution. Q2) Discuss with the help of appropriate example : ? Middlemen are necessary evils.? Q3) Present and just ify a scheme of distribution channel for each of the following: (a)High-tech High-value industrial products (b)Bio-technology based Product to Boost Agriculture Yield (c)Low-price Readymade Cloth Q4) Discuss the Role of information Technology in Logistics , quoting suitable examples.Q5) Describe the scope and significance of supply chain management. Q6) Identify various opportunities for controlling the cost in a distribution channel. Q7)Write short note on any two: (a)Channel Leadership (b)Changing Nature of retail business ————————————————- (c)Global Marketing Channels. Semester ? II Total No. of questions :7 MAY 2007 Total no. of printed pages 1 3178-205 MMM(semester-II)Examination -2007 205:MARKET RESEARCH (New course) Time 3 hours Max Marks 70Instructions: 1) Attempt any 5 question 2) each carry equal mark Q1) ? Market Research is a vary important tool for the decisio n makers of today in the Corporate Indian Environment.? Discuss and analyse. Q2) What are the steps in setting up and implementing a Marketing Research Project? Q3)Design a questionnaire for exploring possibility of launching a new English Daily in the State of Mharashtra. Q4) What do you understand by Sampling ? Explain Non-probability Sampling Technique with appropriate examples. Q5)What do you understand by Scaling Technique?Different Rating and ranking scale with appropriate example. Q6) Formulate a Research Design for potential assessment study for exterior domestic paint in rural area of Maharashtra and Gujarat Q7) Write short note (a)Dos and Dont for the questionnaire formulation (b)Retail audit (c)Ethics in marketing ————————————————- (d)Types of Rearch Data Semester ? II Total No. of questions :6 MAY 2007 Total no. of printed pages 2 3178-206 MMM(semester-II)Exami nation -2007 206:Relationship Marketing (New course)Time 3 hours Max Marks 70 Instructions: 1) Answer any TWO question out of Q1 TO Q4 each carry equal mark 2)Q5 & Q6 are compulsory, each carry 20marks 3) use examples, model etc. Q1)Outline the various factor which have influanced the Evolution of Transection-based into the Relationship-based Marketing. Q2)Explain in details the inter-linkinges among the rececy , frequency and lifetime value consepts. Quote examples, in support of your view point. Q3) ?A loyal customer, usually is more benificial to a firm , though new customer have to be aquired.? Disscuss quoting approriate examples. Q4)Discuss how the Information Technology affects the building and strengthening of relationship in the marketing context. Cite examples. Q5)write short notes On any four: (a)Decision making Process (b)Partnering (c) Intarnal Marketing (d) Barriers to Switching (e) CRM Consept (f) Value Of Complaints. —————â€⠀Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Q6)Assume you are In Charge of a Delership Business Firm. You belive that by retaining customer you enhaance the firm profitablity.You therefore, plan to get the support of all the internal / external stake-holders (domains) of your business to build alasting relationship with the customer(market). Present a detailed scheme for this purpose. You may assume a product/ service offering of your choice. Semester ? II [3278]-201 M. M. M. (Semester.. II) Examination.. 2007 SERVICES MARKETING Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions: (1) Attempt any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q. l) Explain in details, which aistribution strategies you will adopt for ‘ServiceMarketing' ? Q. 2) â€Å"Service Blueprints, Service Mapping and Managing Employees for ‘Service Orientations' are pillars on which building of ‘Service Industry' rely upon. † Do you agree with this s tatement? Quote examples in support of your answer. Q. 3) Write an essay on ‘Role of Advertising and Sales Promotion' in Service Industry. Q. 4) Which issues are involved in ‘Marketing of Services' ? How you will solve those issues? Q. 5) Which are the ‘Distinctive Characteristics' of Services? Also explain 4 I's of Services. Q. 6) How you will market ‘Charities Services† and ‘Technological Services' ?In support of your answer, quote practical examples. [3278]-201 1 P. T. O Q. 7) Write short notes on any three: a) Social Services of Non-profit Organization b) GAP Model c) Handling of Services Complaints d) Nature of Services e) M~keting Mix in Service Industry ————————————————- Semester ? II Oct 2007 [3278]-202 M. M. M. (Semester – II) Examination – 2007 RETAIL MARKETING.. Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions: 1 ) Ai l questions are compulsory. (2) Every question carries fourteen marks. Q. l) Explain in details the factors that must be considered for the site selection of Retail Store. [14] Q. 2) Selecting the variety of products that constitute the entire merchandise and also managing efficiently the inventory of these products: these are critically important for success in Retailing. Do you agree? Justify your answer by giving all relevant details and suitable examples. [14] Q. 3) Describe in details, how the application of Information Technology has improved the following operations in Retailing:[14] )Just in Time R~plenishment of Stocks 2)Rapid Adaptation to Change in Market Trends 3)Category Management Q. 4) Explain in details the following concepts :[14] 1) Retailers are the most important source for getting the vital feed back given by the ultimate consumers. 2) Majority of Retailers have prospered by effectively implementing: ‘Proximity Retailing'. Give suitable examples. 3) Specia lity Retailers like Dass Electronics; Sony Exclusive Show Rooms, P. N. Gadgil Jewellers etc. have become popular by skillfully practising: ‘Destination Retailing'. Q.S) Write short notes on all of the following: (a) Managing IN-store Promotions [05] (b) Quick Response Inventory Planning [05] ( c) Category Management[04] ****************************************************** Semester ? II Oct 2007 [3278]-203 M. M. M. (Semester – II) Examination ? 2007 SALES MANAGEMENT AND PERSONAL SELLING Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions: ( 1) Solve any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q. ) (A) What is Sales Management? (B) Describe any one of the- qualitative -methods of sales forecasting and ndicate its advantages and disadvantages. Q. 2) What is a Sales Budget? What are- the purposes of the Sales Budget? What procedure is typically followed by a company to prepare. its sales budget? Q. 3) (A) What is a Sales Territory ? (B) How should a Sales Manager ass ign sales people to territories? Q. 4) Explain the methods used by companies for setting sales quotas. Q. 5) What are the basic concepts of a Sales Organisation? Explain anyone of those concepts. Q. 6) Why many companies have developed separate organisation structures and marketing programmes for major accounts?What alternative organisational methods are available for Sales Managers for dealing effectively with major customers? Q. 7) Mention various internal and external sources used by companies for locating and identifying the prospective candidates? Why employee referral programmes or schemes are becoming one of the most popular methods of locating sales recruits? Q. 8) (A) How Relationship Selling is different than Transaction Oriented Selling? (B)In what manner the approach step is different than the pre-approach step? Describe briefly different approach techniques used by sales people? ************************************************************************** Semester ? II Oct 2007 [3278]-204 M. M. M. (Semester – II) Examination ? 2007 DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions: (1) Answer any five questions. (2) All questions carry equal marks. Q l) Explain the terms: Physical Distribution, Logistics, Supply Chain. Discuss their role in Marketing. Q. 2) What is Wholesaling? What functions do wholesalers perform? Outline various decision areas in wholesaling. Q. 3) Discuss various components of Physical Distribution System and explain heir impact on cost and customer service levels. Q. 4) Discuss various channel options available to a fmn selling photocopying machines nationally. Explain the functions to be carried out by every member of the channel. Q. 5) Design a marketing channel for the distribution of anyone of the following: (1) Mutual Funds (2) Pre-paid Mobile Phone Cards (3) Advertising Space in a Newspaper Q. 6) (A)What is a Consumer Panel? (B) How will you carry out Test Marketing for a new soft dri nk ? (C) Explain Focus Group Interviews. Q. 7) Highlight various applications areas of Marketing Research. ********************************************************** Semester ? II Oct 2007 [3278J.. 205 M. M. M~ (Semester – II}' Examination – 2007 Marketing Research Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instruction: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. Q. 1 a) Define Market Research. b) Sate and explain various limitations of Market Research. Q. 2a) Which are the various sources of Marketing data? b) Describe various methods of Primary Data Collection. Q. 3a) What is the Questionnaire? b) What are the characteristics of good questionnaire? ) What are the advantage and demerits of Questionnaire Methods? Q. 4Explain probability and Non-probability sampling techniques/sampling methods. How will you design the sample? Q. 5Write short notes on : (Any Two) a) Primary Data ? Advantages and limitations b) Secondary Data – Advantages and limitations c) National Readership survey d) Retail Store Audit Q. 6a) What is consumer panel? b) How will you carry out Test Marketing for a new soft drink? c) Explain Focus Group Interviews ————————————————- Q. 7Highlight various applications areas of Marketing research. Semester ? IIOct 2007 [3278J.. 206 M. M. M~ (Semester – II}' Examination – 2007 RELATIONSHIP MARKETING Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions: (1) Q. Nos. 1 and 6 are compulsory and carry 20 marks each. (2) Attempt any two questions from among the Q. No. 2 to 5. Each of these questions, carries 15 marks. Q. l) Write notes on any four: (a)Customer Profitability (b)Database of Customers (c)Customer Orientation (d)Value of Complaints (e)RFM (t)Mass Customization Q. 2) For a firm having a small portfolio of products, identify the multiple market domains.How will the careful cultivation of these domai ns, lead to success in the customer market? Q. 3) How is physical distribution system benefitted by the use of Relationship Marketing Principles? Explain describing situations in corporate world. Q. 4) Examine the Contribution of Information Technology to the practice of Relationship Marketing. Q. S) Describe the evolving scenario of customer bonding. How will you Classify the companies on the basis of their promptness in bonding the customers? Q. 6) Managing Director of YANTRA Ltd. ad recently attended a profitability- related workshop by a leading management consultant. He is particularly impressed by the necessity to manage the Internal Markets of an organization to ensure a deeper (positive) impact on customers of the company. YANTRA Ltd. has a 6-tier organization structure, 10 departments, 10 managers 50 officers, 100 supervisors, 500 workmen. As a relationship marketinl consultant, you are to develop a plan to enhance the internal environment so as to impact the customer marke ts. [Your Managing Director suggests, you can start with ‘System-Culture- ————————————————-Communication' triad. ] Semester ? III Total no of question :6 Total no pages:3 [3178]-301 May 2007 M. M. M (semester ? III) examination ? 2007 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING (New course) Time : 3 HoursMax Marks: 70 Instruction 1) Question No 6 case study is compulsory. 2) Attempt any three question from Q 1 to Q 5. 3) Figures to the right indicate marks. Q1) what are the Objective of International Marketing? What are its challenging aspects? Q2) As far as packaging and leveling is concerned what are the adaptation required to be done for products in international market? What are the compelling and voluntary reason?Q 3) Explain various possible distribution channels in International marketing? Q 4) Explain the importance of INCOTERMS. Discuss various INCOTERMS 2000 from the point of view of cost and responsibility implications. Q 5) write short notes on any four: a) Political risk b) Impact of culture in International marketing c) Joint venture as an Entry strategy d) Indian MNEs e) Data collection problems in International marketing research f) Global retailer Q 6) Case study ? Coca cola: On June 13, 1999 Coca cola recalled over 15 million cans and bottles after the Belgian Health Ministry announced a ban on Coke? drinks, which were suspected of making more than 100 school children ill in the preceding six days. This recall was in addition to the 2. 5 million bottles that had already been recalled in the previous week. The company? s products had been bottled in Antwerp, Ghent and Wilrijk, Belgium, while some batches were also produced in Dunkirk, France. Children in 6 schools in Belgium had complained of headache, nausea, vomiting and shivering which ultimately led to hospitalization after drinking coke beverage. Most of them reported an Unusual Odor and off taste in the drink.In the same week, the Governments of France, Spain and Luxembourg also banned coke? s products while coke? s Dutch arm recalled all products that had come from its Belgium plant. The entire episode left more than 200 Belgians and French school children ill. The company had to assure its British customers that the products made in its UK factories were safe. By June 15, 1999 coke had recalled about 30 million cans and bottles, the largest ever recall in its 113 year history. For the first time, the entire inventories of coke? s products from one country were banned from sale.As part of a damage control exercise, coke sent a team of scientists to Europe. The CEO Micha Douglas apologized to its European customers. Coke Belgium announced that it would reimburse the medical costs for the ill. The recall had a significant negative impact coming down by 21% to $ 942 mn. Moreover, the entire operation cost coke $ 103 mn while its European bottling venture showed a 5% fall in revenues. Analysts felt that the Belgium recall was one of the worst public relations problems in coke? s history. It was alleged that the company had information about people who had become ill weeks prior to the above incidents.Coke had an opportunity to disclose this information; but chose not to do so and was accused of being unethical. Another issue that worried analysts was the illness causes to the innocent school children. They blamed coke? s promotion strategy to sell soft drinks to school children, which had raised a lot of controversies in the U. S. After the crisis, coke investigated the problem by testing the suspect batches for chemicals. The company claimed that the test showed nothing toxic in the beverages. The company said that there had been separate errors in two plants.The products from Antwerp plant had a strange odor as some fungicide had accidently fallen on the exterior of the cans. In addition, they had determined that the strange taste was the result o f a sub-standard gas used to carbonate the product Analysts said that coke had not handled the situation well and its media message was confusing, inconsistent and muddled. Coke alternately claimed that pesticide residue on the can or bottle or a bad batch of carbon-di-oxide was to be blamed for the off taste. On the other hand, the company also insisted that there was never any health threat. A company spokesman assured consumers, ?It may make you feel sick, but it is not harmful?. In August, 1999, the European commission reprimanded coke, asserting that the company had not cooperated adequately and its explanations were not entirely satisfactory. It also said that errors were committed in the selection of plant or the dosage of extracts in coke? s own concentrate. While no deaths were linked to the coke problems, it had a significant negative impact on the public confidence in Europe. 1) Analyse the case from the perspective of ethical issues involved in country risk analysis. 2) ————————————————-Analyse the actions taken by Coke during and ager the crisis Semester ? III Total no of question :7 Total no pages:1 [3178]-302 May 2007 M. M. M (semester ? III) examination ? 2007 MARKETING AND THE LAWS (New course) Time : 3 HoursMax Marks: 70 Instruction 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All question carry equal marks. Q. 1) Define Proposal. What are the legal rules for valid proposal? Explain with illustrations. Q. 2) Define conditions and warranties in a contract of Sale. What are implied conditions and implied warranties? Q. 3) What are the various modes of creation of Agency? What are the rights of agents against the principal?Q. 4) Explain ? Infringement of copyright? and civil & criminal remedies provided under the act. Q. 5) Explain the scope of IT Act, 2000 and also the following terms; (1) Electronic Governance (2) Hacking with computer syst em Q. 6) Who is a (a) Consumer? (b) Complainant (c) Unfair trade practice Q. 7) Write notes on: (Any Two) (a) Registration of trade mark (b) Define manufacturer, Dealer and Retailer under V. A. T. Act. (c) Undue Influence (d) ————————————————- Extent of Agents Authority Semester ? III Total no of question :7 Total no pages:1 [3178]-303 May 2007M. M. M (semester ? III) examination ? 2007 FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKETING (New course) Time : 3 HoursMax Marks: 70 Instruction 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All question carry equal marks. Q. 1) What is ? Venture Capital How does it help the enterprise? Q. 2) What are the trends now in Housing Finance? How consumer is benefitted? Q. 3) ? Globalization of Indian Economy since 1991-92 onwards has helped India to develop faster in all respects.? Do you agree? Explain in detail. Q. 4) What is mutual fund? How does it help the small in vestors in present time? Q. 5) What is the ? Merchant BankingWhat are the different services offered to the entrepreneurs? Q. 6) What is Insurance Regulatory Development Authority? How does it help the consumer? Q. 7) Write short notes on any two: (a) Credit Card (b) Retail Banking (c) Mergers and Acquisitions (d) Life Policies and its Valuation ————————————————- Semester ? III Total no of question :6 Total no pages:1 [3178]-304 May 2007 M. M. M (semester ? III) examination ? 2007 INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION (New course) Time : 3 HoursMax Marks: 70 Instruction 1) Q. 1 is compulsory and carries ten marks . 2) Solve any four from Q. 2 to Q. , each carrying 15 marks Q. 1) Describe in ten sentences whether advertising is a communication tool and what is its role in marketing communication? Q. 2) Comment on the Advertisement on Adidas shown during the world cup football in more than 250 words. Q. 3) What is Media Planning? What is its significance? Q. 4) Discuss the organisation of an Advertising Agency. Q. 5) Discuss the Marketing Mix of ? Nescafe.? Q. 6) Write short notes: (Any Three) (a) Essentials of a Good Copy. (b) Type of Appeals. (c) Ethics in Marketing Communications (d) ————————————————- Tools of Trade Promotions.Semester ? III Total no of question :9 Total no pages:1 [3178]-305 May 2007 M. M. M (semester ? III) examination ? 2007 RETAIL AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (New course) Time : 3 HoursMax Marks: 60 Instruction 1) Attempt any six questions. 2) All question carry equal marks. Q. 1) Define Marketing Channel and explain how Consumer Marketing Channels differ from Industrial and Services Channels. Q. 2) Explain the purpose of Physical Distribution and briefly describe various components of Physical Distribution. Q. 3) What do yo u mean by Channel Management? Explain various types of Marketing Channels. Q. )Define the terms Retailer, Retailing and Retail Management and explain types of Store and Non-store Retailing. Q. 5) Demonstrate the importance of Store Location and outline the process and types of Store locations with factors influencing decision. Q. 60 Define Interior Store Layout and Explain the steps you follow to plan a good Store Layout. Q. 7) Define Interior Store Atmosphere and briefly describe the elements of Interior Store Atmosphere. Q. 8) Explain the purpose of Retail Communication and elaborate the elements of Retail Communication Mix. Q. 9) Write short notes on any four: (a) New Trends in Retailing b) International Marketing Channel (c) Channel Conflicts (d) Bar Coding (e) Role of IT in Retailing (f) ————————————————- Manufacturer Brands Vs Private Brands Semester ? III Total No. of Questions: 7] [Total No. of Printed Pages: 1 [3178]- 401 May 2007 M. M. M. (Semester-IV) Examination – 2007 BRAND MANAGEMENT (New Course) Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions : 1) Attempt any five questions. ) All questions carry equal marks. 3) Cite examples wherever necessary. Q. 1) Explain the Concept of Branding. Describe the scope of branding in the evolving markets. Q. 2) Discuss the concept and significance of Brand Equity. Q. 3) Identify major areas of Branding Decisions. Which considerations will impact the decisions? Q. 4) ? Customer Satisfaction? is often called as Mirage. How can it be achieved through Branding? Q. 5) What is a Power Brand? Discuss its features. Q. 6) Write a critical note on the future of FMCG brands in India. Q. 7) Write notes on any two: ) Product Image and Brand Image b) Trade Marks c) Brand Architecture d) ———————————————— - Brand Positioning Semester ? IV Total No. of Questions: 7] [Total No. of Printed Pages: 1 [3178]- 402 May 2007 M. M. M. (Semester-IV) Examination – 2007 STRATEGIC MARKETING (New Course) Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions : 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. Q. ) What is Strategy? Outline the steps in the formation of strategy for a business firm. Q. 2) Discuss the concept and the objectives of Strategic Marketing Management. Q. 3) Using the Porter? s Five Forces Model for reference, discuss the current competitive environment in an industrial sector of your choice. Q. 4) Critically examine the process of strategy evaluation in the context of marketing function. What is utility of the evaluation process? Q. 5) A new aviation company is taking shape through the takeover of a ? low profile, low fare? air-line by a ? high-profile? air-line.What sort of positioning strategy will be suitable for the new company? Explain your view-point. Q. 6) Discuss the various pricing strategies along with their merits, demerits and application areas. Q. 7) Write notes on any two: a) BCG Portfolio Matrix b) GE of Cell Matrix c) Distribution through retail-malls d) ————————————————- ?Tows? Matrix Semester ? IV Total No. of Questions: 7] [Total No. of Printed Pages: 1 [3178]- 403 May 2007 M. M. M. (Semester-IV) Examination – 2007EXPORT DOCUMENTATION AND FOREX MANAGEMENT (New Course) Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions : 3) Attempt any five questions. 4) All questions carry equal marks. Q. 1) Discuss in detail the importance of Documentary Credits in International Business. Bring out the salient features of the UCPDC. Q. 2) Write about the advantages and disadvantages of Exporting as a strategy. Q. 3) Give in details the methodology adopted by an exporter to set up his export business.Also comment on the role of various government agencies in helping him do so. Q. 4) What do you understand by the terms ? Regulatory ? and ? commercial? documents? Give a list of all documents used in International Business in details. Q. 5) Describe the role of various government institutions in promoting experts from India. Write about the role of the EXIM Bank in details. Q. 6) Give in details the process of insurance of goods for Exports. Also mention various types of insurances available to exporters. Q. 7) Write short notes: (Any Two) a) Export Promotion Councils (b) G. S. P (c) Bills of Exchange (d) Back to Back Letter of Credit ————————————————- (e) Sports and Discount Rates Semester ? IV Total No. of Questions: 6] [Total No. of Printed Pages: 1 [3178]- 404 May 2007 M. M. M. (Semester-IV) Examination – 2007 DIRECT MARKETING (New Course) Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions : 5) Question No. 5. is compulsory. ) Solve any three questions out of the remaining.. Q. 1) Explain the term ? Integrated Marketing Communication? (IMC). How it is different from a Traditional Marketing Communication? Q. 2) Discuss the role and significance of Exhibitions and Trade Fares in the Marketing Communication. Prepare a check-list for organizing the exhibition. Q. 3) A renowned Multinational Company wants to launch its new product in Pune. Design a complete marketing communication programme for this event. (Make and clearly mention necessary assumption wherever necessary) Q. 4) What is ? Corporate CommunicationsWhat are the pre-requisite qualities for a successful corporate communication professional? Q. 5) (A) Comment on increasing use of Technology in the Corporate Presentations. (B) Explain advantages and disadvantage of Direct Marketing. (C) Write a note on ? Press Conference and Press Releases? Q. 6) Write short notes on: (Any Two) (a) Customer Presentations (b) Role of Body Language and Voice Modulations in Corporate Presentations ————————————————- (c) Sales Promotion Brochures Semester ? IV Total No. of Questions: 7] [Total No. f Printed Pages: 1 [3178]- 405 May 2007 M. M. M. (Semester-IV) Examination – 2007 INDUSTRIAL MARKETING (New Course) Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions : 7) Attempt any five questions. 8) All questions carry equal marks. Q. 1) Present an overview of Industrial Marketing System. Q. 2) What are the Characteristics of Organizational Customers? How does a seller to the buyer? s strength, to succeed in the exchange process? Q. 3) Explain the Interpersonal Dynamics of Industrial Buying.Q. 4) How are the Inducts Products ideally distributed in the market? How is the issue of channel leadership resolved? Q. 5) Critically examine the pricing decision, regarding the Industrial Products. Q. 6) Discuss the me thodology for successfully entering and surviving an International Market with Industrial Products Portfolio. Q. 7) Write notes on any two: (a) Positioning of Industrial Products (b) Segmentation of Industrial Markets (c) Reseller? s Market ————————————————- (d) Economics of Industrial Demand Semester ? IV Total No. f Questions: 6] [Total No. of Printed Pages: 1 [3178]- 406 May 2007 M. M. M. (Semester-IV) Examination -2007 RURAL AND AGRICULTURE MARKETING (New Course) Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70 Instructions : (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three of the remaining questions. (2) Figures to the right indicate marks for that question. (3) Give examples wherever necessary. Q. 1) (A) Suggest the Marketing Mix for a new brand f organic manure ? UTKARSHA? for All India Marketing to be launched in the next three months. [15] (B) Write short notes on any two: [10] a) Supporting Services for Export of Farm Products b) Training and Research in Agricultural Marketing c) Differences in Agricultural and Industrial Marketing Q. 2) Discuss the scope and limitations of Rural Marketing in India. [15] Q. 3) Critically analyze the role of Agriculture in the Economic Development of India. [15] Q. 4) Describe the emerging branches of Agri-business with special reference to the food [15]Processing Industry. Q. 5) (A) Explain the concept of Co-operative Marketing. [06] (B) Examine the reasons for slow progress of Co-operative Sector in India. [09] Q. 6) (A) Give the source for Marketing Information with reference to Agricultural [06] Marketing. (B) ————————————————- Write a note on ? Role of Government in Agricultural Development. [09] Total No. of Questions: 7] [Total No. of Printed Pages: 1 [3178]- 401 M. M. M. (Semester-IV) Examination – 2007

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ban Smoking On College Campuses Essay

For every eight smoker’s tobacco kills, one non-smoker is also killed by second hand smoke. ´(American Lung Association) With a fact like that, it makes one really think about where they have been and how much smoke they have been subjected to. For me, attending college every day and walking through clouds of smoke to get from class to class really begins to put my health into perspective. Should a public place such as a college campus receive more rights than a facility such as a restaurant, department or grocery store? With an individuals health rights, the cleanliness around campus, and overall irritation of some of the students at risk, I believe college campus’ should become America’s new target against smoking and become smoke free. When something starts to validate an individuals health rights, issues will be brought up. Smoking is something that America has discovered more and more about over the years and has found increasing numbers of facts about diseases and problems associated with it and the pollution it emits. Anyone who passes by a smoker can inhale the excess smoke and potentially be affected. Slowly, second hand smoke is something we are starting to become more aware of and businesses around America are starting to crack down on banning smoking in their facilities. College campus’ have not been hit by this new ban, though, and continue to let students crowd around their doors to get a smoke in between classes. Because the students tend to crowd around the doors, students entering or exiting the building inhale the smoke. Personally I am an individual that does not smoke so I really do not have any desire to incur any of the dangers that are associated with it. Also because college campuses are where students spend the majority of their day, avoiding contact with it is almost impossible. According to the US Dept. of Health, second-hand smoke has much higher levels of tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide than the direct smoke a smoker inhales. â€Å"The Federal Environmental Protection Agency has classified second-hand smoke as a Group A carcinogen. This category includes only the most dangerous cancer-causing substance, such as asbestos and radon.† (American Lung Association) The potential effects of second hand smoke are a lot more dangerous than people expect, and the build up from inhalation can lead to serious problems for individuals in the future. Just by simply passing by a smoker and taking a  breath in and out, over time can cause damage. If this becomes an everyday routine, as one walks to and from his/her class each day they are at risk for potential problems from second hand smoke. Everyone has the right to smoke once they’ve reached the legal age, and I have no desire to discriminate against them, but if they choose to jeopardize their health it should have nothing to do with a stranger just passing by as they enjoy. A possible drive or smoke before or after they attend school might be a solution just as long as the individual isn’t on campus. Also, with smoking, cleanliness of the campus becomes an issue. For smokers, big cement ashtrays are set up outside to collect the excess cigarette when the individual is done smoking it. These ashtrays often are not given a second glance and the cigarette butts are thrown on the ground around the campus doors. The sight of cigarette butts strewn along the sidewalks around campus is disgusting and does not do much for the lawn attempting to grow along it. When the ashtrays are used, the smell of smoke emanates from them. Pollution from the cigarettes is also an issue, whether it is coming from the cigarette and the individual smoking it outside, or from the ashtrays. Smoke from anything causes damage to our environment and pollutes the air around it, but with cigarette smoke especially, chemicals are being emitted into the atmosphere as well. Persecution against smokers has never been my goal but when the place where I spend the majority of my day becomes a slight dumping ground for smoking, I believe some alternative needs to be made. Possibly, areas set up away from the campus specifically for smokers could be created so as not to punish college smokers but to keep the cigarette pollution in a confined area. From some of the problems that are surrounding smoking on campus, some students have begun to get irritated. Author, Lydia Sax states, â€Å"Smoking is on the rise, physical and emotional self confidence is down, and feelings of stress are up,† for college students. We all understand that smoking relieves stress for some but with the number of smokers on college campuses, non-smokers are starting to become affected. After walking in from outside, clothes tend to smell of smoke and those allergic to the particles become affected. Issues may be minor and tolerable to a point but when instances of  individuals who do not have any desire to be affected by smoke become more and more frequent, students want a change. Second hand smoke is dangerous and the affects of smoke have only disadvantages. I think everyone is aware of the effects of smoking and those who chose to ignore them, choose to ignore them. But for those people that choose not to be affected, second hand smoke can be very irritating. With the awareness of the dangers smoking causes, companies around the world are working to no longer allow it in their buildings. The dangers of second hand smoke and the irritants of it have finally become truly noticed. College campuses are still allowing it, and it is affecting the students. With issues concerning an individuals health rights, the cleanliness of the campus, and irritation of students, I feel that smoking should be banned from campuses. Everyone has a right to choose what or what not to subject themselves to, because second hand smoke has been proven to be just as harmful as first hand, for some people that right has been revoked.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Prison System in Crisis?

The term crisis refers to an intense time of difficulty, trouble or danger, or a time when difficult decisions must be made. However, in the context of the prison system, it has to be looked at differently. This can be seen throughout the essay in how there have been times of danger, and difficult policy decisions made. In looking at whether these problems are important to the prison system, it has to be looked at whether it is hindering the purposes and objectives of prison. It is also worth noting that the prison system has been regarded in being in crisis for many years by the media and academics (Cavadino & Dignan, 2007). Thus it would appear the `crisis’ hasn’t been at one specific time its been gradually building year after year. The purpose of prison in today’s society is to treat prisoners in a secure and safe facility, where they will be treated humanely, decently, and lawfully. This is as well as protecting the public, ensuring the prisoner is punished for the crimes committed, as well as also helping them rehabilitate themselves. These aims are issued by the National Offender Management Service (NOMS). The way in which NOMS are able to do this is by their close relationship with the probation service, gathering of statistics and also the setting of key performance indicators. Key performance indicators can be targets such as reoffending rate going down by 10% from the previous year, no category A escapes, drug misuse rates and percentage of prisoners in overcrowded accommodation (Leech, 2009). The gathering of all this information means that officials can now monitor the performance of prisons and see if they are fulfilling their functions. If they are not then it is reasonable to suggest that the prison is in crisis and needs to address the issues, which are causing the problems. In identifying whether there is a crisis in the prison system, different thoughts of criminology offer different explanations. One account that explains the crisis is the Orthodox. This account suggests that the crisis consists of many different components which all intertwine to combine to a crisis (Tredwell, 2006). It also suggests that the crisis itself is not one of the whole penal system but one just within the prison system itself (Cavadino & Dignan, 2007). The first factor that orthodox criminologists address is the effect the population of prisons have on the system. Through out the history of the prison system in particular the twentieth century it can be seen that the prison population has been steadily rising. For example in 1960 the average prison population was 26,198, in 1990 43,378, compare this to 2011 which was 81,763(Berman, 2012:18). As this evidence shows, through out the twentieth and twenty first century the prison population has been rising. This increases the demand on prisons and prison staff to be able to deal with the higher numbers. This is a major problem for the prison system if the trend is not altered, it will keep on increasing year by year as the evidence suggests. This problem directly leads on to fact that prisons are overcrowded. Overcrowding in prisons according to orthodox account makes it much harder for prisons to be able to meet their purpose of rehabilitating offenders. Overcrowding takes place ‘when the number of prisoners held exceeds the establishments Certified Normal Accommodation (CNA)’ (Berman 2012:11). CNA ‘represents the good, decent standard of accommodation the service aspires to provide all prisoners. Any places above the CNA are referred to as overcrowding places’ (Jewkes & Bennett, 2008:38). In England and Wales in 2012 over sixty two per cent of the prison estate was overcrowded according to CNA statistics (Berman, 2012: 11). Looking at this, in relation to the aims of having humane conditions for prisoners to live in, the prison system is not meeting its targets. Prisons shouldn’t be overcrowded, but the majority are meaning that more prisoners are sharing cells then what is intended. In relation to rehabilitation it is clear to see the higher number in prison the less resources will be available for prisoners. The less resources available to prisoners will mean less time spent on individual cases limiting the chances of success in reformation. High Prison population and Overcrowding also lead on to the fact that there will be problems within the prison concerning staff. One of the problems in terms of staff will be the numbers available. With the increasing numbers, and the reductions in the prison budget, means the staff to prisoner ratio will continue to worsen. With this means that the supervision of prisoners will be less available which will reduce time out of cells and time in classes working towards rehabilitation. This also leads on to another problem within staff in prisons, in terms of their relation with the home office. The more prisoners coming into prisons increases the workload for the staff, this is without the relief of additional staff being employed. Staff unrest can lead to industrial action, which will lead to the breakdown of the prison service. The final factors that need considering in this account is the effect all of the above has on the security in prisons. Prisoners breaking out of prison are seen as causing massive problems. This is relatively non-existent in prisons today, since 1995/1996 there has been no escape from prisons (NOMS annual report 2011: 5). This means that in terms of protecting the public with the high prison population and no escapes the prison system is operating very efficiently. Another aspect that has to be looked at here is the fact of security inside prison. Riots are still present, as seen last year in the Ford open prison riots. This would suggest that in some instances prisons are not actually capable of controlling their prisoners. Riots are seen clear evidence of a crisis in prison but riots are very rare in the prison system. From all of this stated above it is clear that the orthodox account, is still very relevant in todays prison society. In particular is the issue of high prison population leading to increased overcrowding levels. Which in 2012 are at an all time high. However one development to this theory comes from Lord Woolf who agreed with orthodox accounts of security and control being crucial to a stable prison system, put also placed importance on justice. Justice refers to the obligation of the Prison Service to treat prisoners with humanity and fairness and to prepare them for their return to the community in a way which makes it less likely that they will reoffend’ (Woolf 1991: para 9. 20). This quote coming from Woolf’s report in 1992 can be seen still to be extremely relevant today, when looked at the prison systems aims and purposes, as mentioned earlier in the essay. This make s Woolf’s recommendation crucial to looking at what the state of the prison system is in today. In terms of conditions there are said to be three elements, which influence the quality of life for prisoners. The first being the wretchedness of the physical accommodation, the second being the regime the prisoners are subject to on a daily basis. The final one being the difficulty prisoners face in maintaining relationships with family and friends whilst inside (Cavadino & Dignan: 2007). In looking at the physical accommodation of prisoners in today’s society the view is that prison is much like a ‘holiday camp’ for prisoners. He said he would make sure jails – dubbed ‘holiday camps’ by critics – are no longer seen as places which convicts ‘enjoy’ (Gayling, cited in The Mail, 2012). This quote supports the view that contrast to back in 1992 prisons are now at a state where they could be said to be to nice for prisoners. This results in the fact that prisoners become to comfortable with prison life that once they leave, go ing back to prison seems very attractive to them. This would suggest that the prison system is failing to do one of its more traditional roles of deterring prisoners from crime. Therefore it is failing in another one of its purposes adding to the evidence that the prison system is not working. The second component of justice in prison is preparing the prisoner for life back in the community. This is tackling what put them in there for the first place through rehabilitation. This is done through various programmes such as, offender behaviour programmes, drug addiction programmes, alcohol, work experience and educational programmes. In addressing this essay question, one of the fundamental goals in prison today is rehabilitation of offenders. If rehabilitation was working then the rates of re-offending should be low. In 2010 around 170,000 offenders committed a proven re-offence within a year, providing a re-offending rate of 26. 7 per cent (Ministry of Justice, 2012). This statistic shows that in society right now a significant amount of the prison population do re-offend. Relating this to purpose of prison today it is clear that it is failing in rehabilitating offenders. Strengthening the belief that the prison system is in crisis. This essay has addressed the purposes of prison today and how they match up to accounts of what a crisis is by criminologists. It is clear using the orthodox account and Lord Woolf that the prison is in crisis. The prison population is at a record high, as are overcrowding levels as well as re-offending rates. This all suggests that the prison system is unable to match their purposes, and fulfil their aims in modern prisons systems, so it is in a state of crisis. However, to just say it is the prison system that is a in a state of crisis would be a very narrow approach to the issue. One crucial aspect to look at when examining the prison system is penal policy, and most importantly would be sentencing policy. Sentencing can be seen as a fundamental component of the prisons system. The sentences given out by judges in the courts will influence the prison population as well as determining how long the prisoner will be in there. One of the major problems through sentencing, is the fact that the sentences are unjust or to short. In terms of duration of sentences the average custodial sentence as of 2012, is 14. 8 months (Ministry of Justice, 2012). This statistic shows that the average prisoner will only spend a relatively short period of time, which leaves the question as to whether this enough time for rehabilitation to take place. It concluded that 60% of short-sentenced prisoners commit another crime within a year of getting out’ (Cooney, 2010. ). This quote is evidence that for short-term offenders the majority will reoffend. Therefor this leads to the conclusion that prison does not work for them, thus meaning the resources spent on them would be better for long-term prisoners. T he fact that the prison population is increasing through this policy means that already scarce resources for rehabilitation are becoming even scarcer. This is having a huge impact on the prison system in being able to rehabilitate offenders, to reducing reoffending rates. ‘A recent report from the National Audit Office (NAO) confirms what many people knew already – short sentences just do not work’ (ibid). This sums up the point that the sentencing policy is not working and needs to be changed, which could result with the problems in the prison system being reduced. However this doesn’t appear to be likely to be changing in the future with the new secretary of state for justice Chris Gayling. Am I planning to reduce the number of prison places? No I'm not. I do not want to set a target to reduce the prison population. ’ (Gayling, cited in Telegraph, 2012. ) This quote shows that future policy will only strengthen to increase the prison population not reduce it. In conclusion to this essay it is clear from the evidence gathered in this essay that the prison system is in state where there are huge pr oblems within. The high prison population, overcrowding levels and lack of rehabilitation highlights this the most. However since looking at the data gathered it is clear that these are issues that have not just affected the prison system in today’s society. This could suggest that if its always been plagued by problems that, in reality its not in crisis its just ‘business like usual’. Despite this, relating back to the definition previously mentioned it is clear that the system is in crisis because of the intense difficulties it is facing. All of this could be argued that it is down to penal policy rather than the prison system, which as mentioned is contributing significantly to the difficulties.References Used * Berman, G. (2012) `Prison population statistics’. Library: House of Commons. * Cavadino, M. and Dignan, J. (2007) The Penal System: An Introduction 4th edition, London: SAGE Publications Ltd. * Cooney, F, insidetime (April, 2010) `Short sentences are not the answer’ (Internet) Available at:;c=short_sentences_are_not_the_answer , Accessed: 28/11/12. * Jewkes, Y. and Bennet, J. (2008) Dictionary of Prisons and Punishment, Devon: Willan Publishing. * Leech, M. (2009) The Prisons Handbook 2009 11th edition, Manchester: Prisons.Org.Uk Ltd. * Ministry of Justice (2012) `Criminal justice statistics’ (Internet) Available at:, Accessed: 28/11/12. * Ministry of Justice (2012) `National Offender Management Service Annual Report 2010/2011: Management Information Ammendum.’ Available at:, Accessed: 20/11/12 * Ministry of Justice (2012) `Proven re-offending’ (Internet) Available at:, Accessed: 27/11/12. * Slack, J. and Chapman, J. Mail Online (2012) ‘I’ll stop our jails being like holiday camps, says new minister of justice.’ (Internet) Available at:, Accesed:30/11/12 * The Telegraph. (2012) `Prisons should be tougher for criminals, justice secretary Chris Gayling warns.’ Available at:, Accessed: 30/11/12. * Treadwell, J. (2006) Criminology, London: SAGE Publications Ltd. * Woolf, H. and Tumin, S. (1991) Prison Disturbances April 1990, Cm 1456. London: HMSO. Note: Received a 2:1 for this work

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Porter Novelli (Goldsmith) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Porter Novelli (Goldsmith) - Essay Example tion of a strategic approach which is associated with human recourse guarantees that a business organization’s employees, various skills, operational programs and abilities contribute to the attainment of its organizational goal. Benchmarking is a widely accepted and innovative technical method in the field of business marketing. Marketing professionals often remarked that the process of bench marking is one of the successful tools of marketing. Bench marking is helps to reduce the over growth of costs and it also improves the productivity, integrated business processing and business marketing. At present organizational experts used bench marking is an effective tool for comparing the performance of employees and policies. It is also used as an important test to evaluate the presentation of unconventional tools or all business techniques. Bench marking is helpful for both managements and employees to understand more about innovative business policies and techniques. Bench marking includes various processes such as productivity, cost, time, evaluation, policy making and exestuation etc. Continuous and comprehensive evaluation of all business techniques and strategies are possible through this technique. One can understand the fact that bench marking clearly explains the relation of particular organizational standards in business marketing. And it also determines the performance standards for leadership. Talent management has been regarded as a process for developing and integrating new workers. It also extends its hands to the development of current workers and attracting new workers talented workers for the well being of a company. Different studies have documented Talent Management as the one identifying, selecting, and cultivating Superkeepers. Superkeepers are employees who have demonstrated superior performance, who have inspired others to achieve superior performance, and who embody the core competencies of the organization (Berger, 2004). Rob Silzer &

Marketing Project writeup Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Marketing Project writeup - Research Paper Example The larger models, on the other hand, are for bigger lecture halls. There are around 40 Universities and over 20 Colleges in Ontario, not to mention its primary and secondary schools. Among the 40 Universities, 27 of which are government-funded, and are geared towards acquiring the best tools to support the educational system. These will be considered the primary target market of Notedesk company. It will seek to penetrate these universities, and supply Notedesk particularly for Science, Mathematics and Information Technology courses, whose demand for up to date educational tools is high. Notedesk is also available for companies that offer multi media productions in the form of seminars and forums. The aim is to capture the interest of companies outsourcing training programs and even venues for such programs. Notedesk embodies top of the art information technology, and will surely be aligned with these companies’ own marketing strategy, These gadgets will give these companies a new image lift, and although it will prove to be an added investment for these companies, Notedesk guarantees to be great and efficient partner in their quest for better training

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Response - Essay Example continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago†¦Ã¢â‚¬  To some extent Israel only regained its independence because of the guilt over the Holocaust. Because of the advancement of technologies, the Holocaust was documented through statistics, pictures, and some film footage. The difference in Australia was little tangible proof of the atrocities toward the Indigenous people, these people were terra nullius (no one lived there), and they were treated as â€Å"invisible†, living as hordes in tribal form. While Britain came building structures, setting rules, and demanding that the Indigenous people join their culture. As Israel, Charles highlighted, looks whole, even after being controlled and ruled by many empires, the Jews still kept their own culture. This culture was even recognized by the British. The difference is the publicity of the Holocaust versus the Indigenous Australians. Because society differ from one another, even if the societies seem to have some common features, such as their historical domination over indigenous populations and the processes by which older political ‘settlement’ are being unsettled in the recent years in the face of dynamic and renewed indigenous challenge. They are not distinguishable from other kinds of (post) colonial societies (Curthoys, p.20). 3. Do you agree with Curthoy’s argument that Australians resist coming to terms with their colonial past because they see themselves as victims? Yes. Australians see themselves as victims, not oppressors. In non-indigenous Australian popular culture, people see themselves as victims of ‘large economics forces, middle class elites and powerful nations overseas. An example we can see through such as WWII and Anzac Myth which Over 8,000 Australian soldiers were killed. News of the landing at Gallipoli made a profound impact on Australians at

Monday, August 26, 2019

The History of Religion and Religious Conflict Essay

The History of Religion and Religious Conflict - Essay Example In this light, religion can have many positive influences, it can uplift the soul, spur on artistic production, and cause people to lead more driven, purposeful lives. On the other hand, however, religion has also shown that it can be a destructive force on many different occasions. In his work, â€Å"The Art of Happiness,† the Dali Lama makes many claims about religion, but seems to fundamentally believe that religion has always been a positive influence on the world, saying, for instance, that â€Å"all world religions have, of course, provided tremendous benefit for millions of human beings throughout many centuries past† (Dali Lama, 296). When considering this claim, it is easy to oscillate drastically to one side or other of this argument. Someone seeking to defend religion would point at the acts of Mother Theresa, to the charity of religious organizations, and to the benefits that organized religion can give to people personally, such as peace and comfort. Detrac tors from religion, however, can point to the attacks of Sept. 11, or the Crusades, and decry religion as a destructive force that causes hatred and violence throughout world history. Neither of these answers are fully correct, however. Rather, religion often does not make a significant amount of difference in and of itself. Religious actions, either positive or negative, are often results of complex societal interactions rather than religious fervor: so the Dali Lama is incorrect, as I believe that religion has not been a consistently positive nor negative influence on the progress of world history. One of the first things that must be understood in this discussion is the relationship between religion and spirituality. Though these are very closely linked ideas, â€Å"the Dali Lama distinguishes between spirituality and religion† (294). This is because spirituality and religion happen on very differ planes – spirituality is a personal, though often sometimes communal thing, that has to do fundamentally with belief in the underlying structures of the world, and one’s place within them. Religion, though resting on spirituality, is a very different thing. It is a structured organization that codifies beliefs and practices, almost like creating rules and laws for spirituality. This difference is important because many of the impulses often attributed to religion may in fact be spiritual. Altruism, for instance, is often one of the things most lauded about religious people and institutions. But there are obviously many people who are altruistic without being religious – they do good out of a fundamental belief that it is good to do so, which is much more akin to spirituality than religion, while there are also certainly religious people and institutions that are far from being altruistic. So when analyzing the impact that religion has had on the world, one must isolate the religious side – the order and structure of beliefs and a ctions, from the spiritual side. Upon parsing the actions of a religion or religious institution from the actions based on spirituality, one might be immediately drawn to condemning religion whole-heartedly. Religions and their institutions have been guilty of many grave sins that immediately spring to mind. Current, organized Islamic leaders have called for terrorist attacks and Martyrdom, and the Westboro Baptist Church’s â€Å"God Hates Fags† campaign has disgusted people worldwide, many churches in the United States were associated with hate crimes against blacks during and before the civil rights

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Moral Obligation by Bentham Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Moral Obligation by Bentham - Essay Example According to Bentham, "Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as determine what we shall do." (Moore, "Moral and Political Philosophy", p. 282). How a person perceives such obligations to be accepted or rejected, depends upon the conditions it describes make it fair to adopt the stance or not. Moral obligations can be referred to those errands, which one considers to be an essential instance of personality to be adopted. It depends upon as to what extent one feels him socially responsible to be answerable to those instances. These instances show the extent of how much a person is humanistic in behaviour and shows that the conditions of rational power satisfy this constraint: that it is fair to hold people morally responsible if they possess the rational power to grasp and apply moral reasons, and to control their behavior by the light of those reasons. As far as my opinion is concerned I believe every individual in this society has a right to live and let live and not only live but live happily and contentedly which can only possible if one is aware as how to justify morality whatever be the circumstances, this morality teaches us as to how to least expect from the society and giving the society the best we possess in moral notions. When it comes to 'expectations', episodes of guilt, resentment, and indignation are the outcomes of our justifications. Once this interpretation of the reactive emotions is in place, we can draw on it to account for the stance of holding people morally responsible. That stance is characterized by the responses of blame and moral sanction; to understand the stance, we therefore need an interpretation of blame and morals. We should consider those facts that we believe society expects from us, rather than what we expect from society. Only in this case we would be able to fulfil our moral obligation toward s society, our country and above all, ourselves. Â  Euthanasia - Is it immoral to allow Euthanasia to a patient "Euthanasia is the deliberate production of the death of a human being on the grounds that in his situation it is considered that it is better that he should be dead than that he should continue to live". (Wilkinson, 1990, p. 10) Many thinkers and philosophers believe that Euthanasia is immoral. According to Rachels, "thinkers oppose killing patients in any circumstances whatever. However, they think it is all right, in some special circumstances, to allow patients to die by withholding treatment". If we view 'Euthanasia' in the light of philosophical rationalizations, we would come to know what Epicurus has tried to explain, "death is nothing to us. For all good and evil consists in sensation, but death is deprivation of sensation. And therefore a right understanding that death is nothing to us makes the mortality of life enjoyable, not because it adds to it an infinite span of time, but because it takes away the craving for immortality". (Moore, "Moral and Political Philosophy", p . 291) As said by Epictetus, "Some things are under our control, while others are not under our control". (Moore, "Moral and Political Philosophy", p. 293)

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Macro and Micro Economics. What is the subject matter of economics Essay

Macro and Micro Economics. What is the subject matter of economics - Essay Example The scope of Economics revolves around many things some of which are factor pricing, product pricing, income, demand, economic growth and welfare. The study of economics attempts to gain a glimmer of light on how and why the wealth of the world gets produced, distributed and finally consumed. It not only examines the local market, but it also everything at the global levels. Class structures and wealth distribution, the role of government and politicians, demand and supply of products and services, division of labor and other countless factors are all encompassed in economics. It attempts to explain the production system in the world and why they function the way they do (ILO, 2013). Arguably, one of the most inalienable factors in the definition of the subject matter of economics is division of labor. According to International Labour Organization, the current distribution of labor is a positive factor contributing to the economic climate today. Labor gets distributed not only betwe en companies and countries but also within a company. Wage disparity occurs between the laborers and capitalists, a condition that results from division of labor. The laborers will thus have low buying powers in comparison to the business owners. This means that their economic standard will always be lower than that of capitalists. Division of labor is thus effective as a clear vision of the subject matter of economics. Economics study is not effective if we fail to discuss the two main divisions of economics namely macroeconomics and microeconomics. Macroeconomics is a branch of economics which looks into, the behavior, decision-making and performance of an economy as a whole and not as individual markets. The World Trade Organization makes use of GDP, unemployment and price indices in a bid to understand how the economy functions. In macro economics, models get used to explain the relationship between such factors like national income, output, consumption, unemployment, savings, i nflation and international finance (IMF, 2013). Macro economics is such a broad field of study and there are two main areas of research considered emblematic of the discipline. This is the attempt to give an account of the causes and consequences of short-run fluctuations in the national income (the business cycle) and an attempt to understand the determinants of a long-run economic growth. In most cases, macroeconomic models and their focuses get utilized by governments to assist them in their development and evaluation of economic policies. Some of these policies include the monetary policies, fiscal policies and comparison policy. Further, macroeconomics encompasses output and income, unemployment and inflation & deflation as the three major variables of its research (IMF, 2013). Thus, the subject matter of macroeconomics revolves around the three aspects of national aggregates; stability, growth and stability of the community at large. Most variables of macroeconomics get relate d with employment, inflation, unemployment issues and import and export matters of a nation or between nations. Microeconomics is the branch of economics that analyzes market behaviors at a level of individual consumers and firm. This it does in the attempt to understand the underlying decision-making processes of firms and households. It majorly concerns itself with the interaction between individual buyers and sellers (IMF, 2013). In particular, macro economics mainly focuses on supply and demand patterns, as well as price and output determination at these individual markets. The strength of microeconomics crops from the simplicity of its underlying structure and its closeness in contact with the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Assignment for MSc in Innovation Management Essay

Assignment for MSc in Innovation Management - Essay Example Transformational change requires a shift in conduct that results in an organisation significantly different in structure, processes, culture, and strategy. Transitional change seeks to achieve a known desired state different from the existing one, examples of which are the basis of much organisational change literature (Kanter, 1983; Nadler and Tushman, 1989). TQM refers to a management process directed at establishing organised continuous development activities involving everyone in the organisation in a totally integrated effort towards improving performance at every level (Almaraz, 1994). It is a management philosophy and business strategy rooted in the works of Deming (1986), Ishikawa (1985), Juran (1988), and Crosby (1989). Hackman and Wageman (1995) lists TQM's four general principles: TQM focuses on work processes, explicit identification and measurement of internal and external customer requirements, analysis of variances, use of cross-functional teams, management by facts (data), learning and continuous improvement, and the use of process management heuristics. Through data collection, analysis, hypothesis formation and testing, process changes can be devised and introduced steadily and continuously to improve quality. Whilst radical change is episodic, emergent, second order, transitional or transformational, TQM is designed for continuous, planned, first order, and developmental change. Here lies a conceptual discrepancy that may lead us to conclude that having a TQM culture does not prepare a firm to manage the radical changes affecting it. TQM focuses on incremental changes to work processes designed for a given set of assumptions defined by customer needs, a legislative climate, and technology conditions. What happens if these assumptions undergo a radical change We review the literature on the issue and inquire if other change management tools may be more appropriate. Lewin (1951) conceptualised change as a three-stage process involving unfreezing (the existing organisational equilibrium), moving (to a new position), and refreezing (in a new equilibrium position). Schein (1987) elaborated that unfreezing involves disconfirmation of expectations, creation of guilt or anxiety, and provision of psychological safety that converts anxiety into motivation to change. Moving to a new position is achieved through cognitive restructuring, often by identifying with a new role model or mentor and scanning the environment for new information. Refreezing occurs when the new point of view is integrated into the total personality and concept of self and significant

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Italian Americans Essay Example for Free

The Italian Americans Essay The dream of America has always been a powerful beacon of hope for people of other countries searching for a better life. The Irish came in droves to escape starvation, the Jewish came to seek safety, the Russians looking for improved living conditions. Regardless of the reasons, millions have sacrificed everything at the chance for something better. It is the same for the Italians. The real immigration of Italians didn’t start until the early 1900’s when the number of immigrants mushroomed from 70,000. â€Å"This figure changed to close to four million who arrived between 1880 and 1914. † (Davison, 1998) The reasons for immigration are varied and include overpopulation, a scarcity of jobs and the hope for better economic opportunity. Italy at that time was fairly agricultural with most of the land being owned by a small group of wealthy families. Many of the immigrants that came to America during this period continued their tradition for growing and cultivating things and many sold the small crops they grew in their little gardens. And many Italians came temporarily, working and sending money back to family in Italy. Regardless of the reasons, the Italians had one strong trait in common, they came to work. Although they were a predominantly agri society, many found work here using the various skills and trades that they brought with them from Italy. Oftentimes, however, they changed what they did to fit into the new life they were creating. As they landed in port towns they spent their time recreating the country from which they came and generally segregated themselves in this way. The concept of paesani, or little villages, was kept in tact by blocks of Neapolitans sticking together, and blocks of Calebrese living together. This tradition of paesani helped with the cultural assimilation that many Italians found difficult. During the rush of immigration the greatest number of Italian immigrants focused on America and Brazil. However, because the English language, family values and traditions, and religion were very much different from their own, â€Å".. The Italians in New York confronted significantly greater cultural differences. † (Italain American Civil Rights, 2007) These cultural differences reared their heads in a variety of different forms. Religious persecution was one of them. When the immigrants arrived they found that the predominant religion was white Protestantism as opposed to the Catholicism they came from. However, things became even more difficult when the Irish, who also practiced Catholicism, found the Italian from of practicing their same religion unsatisfactory. They began to be â€Å"†¦ attacked for being prejudiced against blacks and for being super patriotic hard hats with little sophistication or with connections to the Mafia. † (Bailey, 1999) Tensions rose quickly as the once disparaged Irish were now replaced by newly immigrated Italians. A common thread of prejudice began to grow and immigrants that were not of an Anglo-Saxon decent were looked at as less than human. There are many factors that aided this prejudice. One of the most important was the issue of racism. In the summer of 1989 a sixteen year old African American was shot and killed during an argument by a group of youth in an Italian neighborhood. Although the community was aghast and all applauded the severe punishment of the boys, the Italians were labeled â€Å"racists†. This is both interesting and strange because at the same time in the south the Italians were a threat to white solidarity as they were more apt to side with black rights. This so enraged the southern whites that it was not uncommon for Italians to be hung for their beliefs. It was obvious then that American had found a new scape goat. † Since then, the stereotype of the Italian American-as-bigot has become accepted by the general public, thanks in large part to the U. S. entertainment industry, which routinely portrays its fictional Mafia characters as racists. † (Faegin, 1978) In addition to trouble with racism, and false stereo-typing, Italians found problems with class walls. They were portrayed by the media as illiterate and diseased, and the general public accepted this view. It was not helpful that Italians seemed to like to stay close to the city centers, often as home owners, and they blame for crime and other offenses also began to be laid at their feet. However, it was shown that, this mafia based criminality blame was also unfounded. â€Å"Italian Americans had relatively low crime rates, close to those for all native-born Americans. † (Faegin) However, regardless of the facts, these myths provided difficulties for Italians to overcome in all facets of society. Nevertheless, overcoming them is exactly what they did. Italian Americans today continue to play an active and vital part in American society. They continue to hold strong family and cultural ties, and to work within the fabric of America to make it a better place. Bibliography Bailey, S. (1999). Immigrants in the Land of Promise. Ithaca: Cornell University. Davison, B. (1998, May 2). Italains Immigrating to Maryland. Retrieved March 17, 2007, from www. oriole. umd. edu Faegin, J. (1978). Racial and Ethnic Relations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Italain American Civil Rights. (2007). Retrieved March 18, 2007, from Order of the Sons of Italy: www. osia. org